Rewind and Fast Forward

5.30.14 Rewind . . . Congratulations to Summer for weaving together an exceptional and purposeful meeting, while serving as a first-time Toastmaster.  Her quotes from poet Brian Andreas set an inspiring tone and served as great transitions throughout the meeting.  Alvin Powell, humorously gave us insight into marriage and childbirth in his “Thirty Years and Counting” speech. Lanre Adefolau’s “It’s Different This Time” presentation was his third and final speech at Sunrise Toastmasters.  (Lanre, thank you for contribution to our club.  Your participation, smile, humor and insight will sincerely be missed.)  Dramaine Freeman led a summer filled Table Topics; The subject inspired laughter and day dreaming of great warm weather activities.  Thank you to Dave Burr for leading the evaluation portion of our meeting.  Additionally, thank you to Joe Stack, Phil Stringer, and Ying Na for supporting in evaluation roles.  Paraphrasing Dave, our meeting today was “professional AND personable”.  We had a total of 11 members and 2 visitors in attendance; Once again, we welcome Griselda Flores and Rachael Adefolaju.


We hope to see our missing members next week:       Esther, Mike, Steve and Tom.


6.6.14 Fast-forward . . . A few of our members are unable to attend next week (Alvin, Angela, Esther, & Robert); Therefore, we have adjusted the roles accordingly.  All are confirmed except Evaluator #2 (Mike).  Please contact Toastmaster Phil Stringer ( if you are holding a position next week and your availability changes.  Scheduled speakers, please also email Phil with your speech title and number by 5 p.m. next Wednesday, June 4th.  See below for a confirmation of roles:


Toastmaster                       Phil Stringer

Speaker #1                          Ying Na

Speaker #2                         Griselda Flores

Table Topics                      Dave Burr

Gen Eval                             Tim Murphy

Evaluator                           Dramaine

Evaluator #2                     Mike

Grammarian/Timer        Joe Stack


Also, exciting coming events for our members:


June 20                           Joe’s Wedding

July 26                           Due date of Lanre and Rachel’s baby