Fast Forward/Rewind – June 21, 2024

In his opening remarks, Secretary Abdulrahman Albazie provided insights into the history and global impact of the Black Lives Matter movement.

In a show of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, the group observed a minute of silence, muting microphones and turning off cameras to honor all victims of racial injustice.

The meeting was then turned over to the Toastmaster of the Day, Summer Murphy. Summer introduced the “Word of the Day” (WOD), which was “bamboozled.” She shared that the term describes someone who has been deceived or tricked, often in a clever or elaborate way, leaving them feeling confused, foolish, or taken advantage of.

Toastmaster Savannah Murphy introduced the first speaker, Toastmaster Dave Burr, who delivered a speech titled “Bedtime for Democracy?”. Burr shared concerns that democracy has been resembling autocracy, noting the new generation seeks more decisive action due to a perceived lack of representation. He argued the older generation must step down to allow greater youth involvement.

Savannah evaluated Toastmaster Dave’s speech, commending his exceptional delivery on a sensitive topic. Murphy provided constructive feedback, identifying areas where the speaker could further strengthen his speech.

Toastmaster John Doggett introduced the second speaker, Toastmaster Saraswathi Mahalingam. Saraswathi gave a captivating speech on emotional management, sharing personal anecdotes about overcoming challenges and correlating that process with effective emotion regulation.

John evaluated Saraswathi’s speech, commending her great eye contact and gestures that helped convey the message effectively. Doggett noted the speech was truly impactful, as it resonated with the audience on a personal level.

Toastmaster Stiles Burr led a table topics session, challenging participants to respond to “bamboozling” questions! The exercise aimed to foster quick thinking, effective articulation, and confident on-the-spot communication skills among the attendees.

Toastmaster Hema Kellet served as a General Evaluator, providing comprehensive feedback on the meeting and commending the exceptional performance of participants. Toastmaster Tim Murphy delivered the Timer report, ensuring each segment adhered to the allocated time. Toastmaster Norris Bass, served as the Grammarian, offered valuable linguistic feedback and shared resonating quotes with the group.

Toastmaster Summer smoothly handed over the meeting to Toastmaster Abdulrahman to wrap up and officially adjourn the meeting.

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on June 28, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the meeting link.

The roles for the next meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster: Anu 

Speaker 1: Tim

Speaker 2: Tim

Table Topics: Summer  

General Evaluator: John         

Evaluator 1: Dave  

Evaluator 2: Dave  

Timer: Savannah

Grammarian: Hema