Hello Sunrise Toastmasters Members and guests!
Rewind from March 11
This meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in the North Tower room NT102A with 9 members present.
President Summer Murphy opened our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a few quick club reminders. First, dues – be sure you pay by the end of the monthto remain in good standing. Second, consider competing in some area Toastmaster speech and Table Topics competitions later this month. If interested, reach out to Summer. She then handed it over to Jenna Willingham to lead the meeting as Toastmaster for the morning. Inspired by a book she enjoyed beach-side last week, Jenna centered the meeting on the idea of conviction. In a world full of noise and competing values, Jenna asserted that one should always know – or seek to know – what one stands for, above all else. When you act in lockstep with your convictions, you show the watching world you’ve got moxie (Word of the Day).
Today’s first speaker, Pam Ku, completed project #2 in the Competent Communicator’s Manual, titled “Yoga for the Brain”. Pam’s natural knack for storytelling caught our attention as she made her key point: being stretched beyond your comfort zone is where change happens. By the end, the audience appreciated Pam’s embodiment of the very thing her speech encourages … and had very strong cravings for pumpkin chocolate-chip cupcakes. The second speaker, Walt Abele, gave speech #7 from the same manual, titled “Putting the Greene in Greensboro”. In this fun historical account, Walt gave us a richer understanding of General Greene, his military strategy, and the Guilford Courthouse battle, which greatly influenced America’s fight for independence. Though it’s difficult to appreciate the importance of a battle you never witnessed, Walt reminded us that we can take part in the next best thing: the Guilford Courthouse battle reenactment this coming weekend!
When Table Topics rolled around, Topicsmaster Mike Stipanov found favor with some great questions drawn at-random by audience members. We chuckled, empathized, and contemplated our way through this session as eight people gave a wide array of answers. Thanks to Phil Monroe and Tim Murphy for evaluating the speeches, to Dave Burr for evaluating the meeting in general, and to Summer Murphy for serving as Timer/Grammarian.
Fast-Forward to March 18
Please see the slated roles below:
Toastmaster | Mike Stipanov | |
Speaker 1 | Phil Monroe | |
Speaker 2 | Joe Stack | |
Speaker 3 | Jenna Willingham | |
Table Topics | Dave Burr | |
General Evaluator | Summer Murphy | |
Evaluator 1 | Steve Stephens | |
Evaluator 2 | Open | |
Evaluator 3 | Angela Marsh | |
Timer/Grammarian | Rita Sturdivant |