My fellow Toastmasters –
A room change to the original room, and still the new fun!
Jenna opened the meeting and turned it over to the Toastmaster, Phil S. His word of the day was “infuse” which was used throughout the meeting. Zach’s speech was “Take a Trip” where he recounted travel tips to learn more about local culture. (Safe travels to France, Jenna! Perhaps some of Zach’s tips will be helpful.) Dave followed with “Then… and Now”, discussing the difference in attending concerts as a younger adult to an, ahem, older adult. Jenna led Table Topics with “Dinner Table Discussions”. Steve led Evaluators, Angela and Phil M, and followed with the Timer’s report.
If anyone is interested in speaking next week, please contact Dave.
The roles for 9/23 are:
Toastmaster Dave
Speaker 1 Mike
Speaker 2 Open
Table Topics Phil M
Gen Evaluator Angela
Evaluator 1 Zach
Evaluator 2 Steve
Timer Phil S