My fellow Toastmasters –
A productive meeting with a summer crowd – Dave was the Toastmaster, and used “diversify” as the word of the day. Savannah did her second speech, “Self-Defense Can Get You Killed.” Phil S spoke about recovering from jet lag in, “Ready, Set, Go.” David G led Table Topics using the famous quotes of Yogi Berra. Brian was the General Evaluator, and Dave and Alvin did the evaluations, with Karen working as Timer.
As a note, there is an opening for a speaker. Please get back to Brian if you can fill that role.
The roles for 6/23 are:
Toastmaster Brian
Speaker 1 Open
Speaker 2 Alvin
Table Topics Karen
Gen Evaluator Sadric
Evaluator 1 Jennifer
Evaluator 2 Lyn
Timer Karen