Fast Forward/Rewind – Dec. 7 meeting

Hi, everyone.

Allison was our Toastmaster this morning and gave us “frisson” as the word of the day (see the club Facebook page for the definition!). Quite a few of us successfully used it in a sentence as we spoke this morning!

Bettina did a fabulous job with her Icebreaker speech, delivering a truly inspirational story. Dave gave an intoxicating pocket speech on the uses of non-intoxicating cannabidiol. Norris led Table Topics, with questions focused on gift-giving.

Norris was also our Timer/Grammarian, with David filling in for him while he led Table Topics. David was also our first Speaker Evaluator. Dave served double-duty too, as General Evaluator, and Karen was our second Speaker Evaluator.

We decided we’d like to have a holiday celebration during our regular meeting time on Dec. 21, so the roles for that date will be pushed to our next meeting date. Karen is on the schedule to lead Table Topics that day and will do that for our celebration and again at our next meeting.

Our roles for NEXT week, Dec. 14, are as follows. (Inclement weather reminder: If Guilford County Schools are closed or delayed that day, we will not meet.)

Toastmaster Angela
Speaker 1 Alvin
Speaker 2 Phil
Table Topics Bettina
Gen Evaluator Brian
Speaker Eval 1 Norris
Speaker Eval 2 David
Timer/Grammarian Dave

If you cannot fulfill your role, please let Angela know. Speakers, please be sure to give Angela your speech titles, projects and times as soon as you know them.

Thanks, everyone, and stay warm and safe!