Our President, Amelya Black, opened the meeting with thoughtful reflection leading us into our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. After welcoming our guests and sharing an overview of the meeting Amelya transitioned to the day’s Toastmaster Kerstin Haase. Kerstin chose Considerate as the word of the day, defining it as thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others. A quick agenda review and round of introductions, sharing something fun, we began our meeting with 12 Toastmasters and 3 guests.
Summer Murphy introduced Greg Sutton, our first speaker. Greg’s speech titled “B.U.R.R. it’s warm in here” well researched speech shared smart strategies to grow equity leveraging a Buy, Rent, Refinance and Reinvest concepts. Greg’s speech removed all the complication and delivered insider knowledge in a way we could all relate to, leveraging an easy to remember acronym! Great job Toastmaster, well organized speech, clearly knowledgeable, and great delivery was feedback shared by evaluator Summer.
Amelya introduced Stiles Burr, our second speaker. Styles Icebreaker speech titled “Friday I’m in love” allowed the club to get to know one of our newest members who blended love of music and sports into a well delivered speech. Styles awesome first speech took us through the brilliance of losing more than a few strings. Our attention was grabbed from the start. Connecting the beginning and end of the speech was a highlight shared by shared by Amelya.
Anu Parvathaneni hosted Table Topics, asking questions to the Toastmasters and guests that focused on the WOD, strengthening our ability to speak conversationally. Truly a portion of the meeting we all look forward to, thank you Anu!
Tim Murphy served as General Evaluator, summarizing the meeting and leading the team sharing of feedback and reports. Abdulrahman Albazie provided the Timer report for the first time, and Maria Leon shared the Grammarian report – well done everyone!
Toastmaster Kerstin thanked everyone for a great meeting, reviewed roles for next week, and transitioned the meeting back to Amelya. Our President congratulated Abdulrahman for an excellent job as a first time in the role of Timer and recognized Styles for an awesome first speech, closing the meeting on time and thanking our guest for joining us again.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, August 26 EST on Zoom.
The roles for that meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Tanuja
Speaker 1: Summer
Speaker 2: n/a
Table Topics: Savannah
Gen. Evaluator: John
Speaker 1 Eval: Norris
Speaker 2 Eval: n/a
Timer: Angela
Grammarian: Karen