Fast Forward/Rewind – December 16, 2022

Sunrise Toastmasters!

Our VP of Education, Toastmaster Summer Murphy, opened the meeting leading us intentionally into our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. “Your experience is not everyone’s experience” was a well said quote. Summer shared in a positive way how we can use our bias flag to become better speakers and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Tanuja Reddy. With thoughtfulness, Tanuja chose Tradition as the word of the day, and encouraged us to use this word during the meeting. We reviewed roles and began the last Sunrise Toastmaster’s meeting of the year.  

Toastmaster Dave Burr introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Tim MurphyTim shared an insightful speech, creatively using the acronym C.H.E.F., sharing knowledge relevant to a balanced life. Examples sharing Connected, Health, Education and Finances, the balance meaning came through in a big way. Tim is a fantastic speaker and use of gestures was great. Including a memorable quote about “raising young chef’s” was an excellent technique and connected with the audience well, great speech was feedback shared by Dave.

Toastmaster Anu Parvathaneni introduced our final speaker, Toastmaster Greg SuttonGreg shared a delightful speech “You can swim, you can tread water if you’re tired” was a quote that resonated with the audience. It all came about because you said yes, was feedback shared during the meeting. “The word that comes to mind is brave”, said Anu. Incorporating a story in your speech came through really well. Your audience connected with you, and your enthusiasm came through really well. Loved the speech, was feedback shared by Anu.

Toastmaster Summer Murphy hosted Table Topics, engaging the Toastmasters to share their story, strengthening our ability to compose thoughts and speak conversationally. 

Toastmaster Abdulrahman Albazie served as General Evaluator, summarizing the meeting with thoughtful feedback that helped everyone continue to improve, and led the team sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster Angela Marsh provided the Timer report and Toastmaster Karen Rhodes shared the Grammarian report – well done everyone!

Toastmaster Tanuja reviewed roles for next week, and transitioned the meeting back to Toastmaster Summer, who thanked everyone for their participation in another amazing Toastmasters meeting before closing the meeting. 

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, January 6 EST on Zoom. 

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

TM – Kerstin

Speaker 1 – Tim 

Speaker 2 – Tanuja

Table Topics – Abdulrahman

Gen. Eval – Amelya

Eval 1 – Karen

Eval 2 – Tim

Timer – Angela

Grammarian – Maria