Fast Forward/Rewind – August 18, 2023

Our President Summer Murphy opened the meeting with insightful thoughts on life changes, leading us deliberately to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Summer cleared any doubt on the bias flag, encouraging us to use it to support our journey of becoming better speakers, and transitioned the meeting to Toastmaster Tim Murphy. Tim chose anticipation as the word of the day.

Toastmaster John Doggett introduced the first speaker, Toastmaster Abdulrahman Albazie. Abdulrahman shared a speech, titled ‘Ultimate Happiness’, about how happiness is conceived based on how it is defined. John provided feedback on areas of improvement. Well done, Toastmasters!

Toastmaster Savannah Murphy introduced Toastmaster Maria Leon, second speaker. Maria took us with her life plan from the moment she was born to her 100-year anniversary. Savannah shared feedback, providing guidance on areas of excellence and improvement. Excellent!

Table Topic Master, Toastmaster Stiles Burr, led an engaging question and answer session and got everyone to participate, challenging Toastmasters with thought-provoking questions to help members develop their ability to organize their thoughts quickly and spontaneously. Great questions, Stiles!

Toastmaster Greg Sutton served as General Evaluator, pinpointed everyone’s contribution to a great meeting, summarized the breakfast of champions portion of the meeting with thoughtful insights, and led the team in sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster Karen Rhodes provided the Timer report. Toastmaster Bettina Ross, shared the Grammarian report, spotting the use of filler words, the word of the day, and noting the outstanding quotes and thoughts. Congratulations, Tina, on your first role here at Sunrise and well done, Team!

Tim reviewed roles for next week and transitioned the meeting to our president to close the meeting.

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on August 25, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the meeting link.

The roles for the next meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster:  Dave
Speaker 1: John
Speaker 2: Karen
Table Topics: Luz
Gen. Evaluator: Kerstin
Evaluator 1: Tim
Evaluator 2: Summer
Timer: Stiles
Grammarian: Savannah