Rewind and Fast Forward

05.02.14 Rewind . . . Passion permeated our meeting today.  President Dramaine Freeman, opened the meeting by sharing his involvement in tomorrow’s Relay for Life event in High Point.  He offered that the event was important to him and his students.  He went on to name students that have lost their battle with cancer.  He also shared that his brother survived the illness and is now thriving.  Then, Robert Hickling passionately and confidently presented his second speech entitled, “Spread the Word to End the Word.”  In his speech, he shared about his 3 year old son who has Down Syndrome.  Robert’s speech was impactful and urged us all to be brave, educate others and encourage them not to use the “r” word.  Next, Steve Stephens presided over Table Topics and asked a few “hodgepodge” questions about his favorite things. His questions provided great opportunities for exceptional answers.  Lastly, Phil Stringer surprised us with a pocket speech about his marriage of 22 years with his wife, Patty.  His speech spoke of his love story with humor, honesty and passion.  He also recited a striking poem written by his wife at the early stages of their relationship. Near the close of the meeting, Summer Murphy led the evaluations, joined by Joe Stack, Esther Khoury, and Tim Murphy.  In total we had 13 attendees today, including our Area 53 Governor Al Green.  Thank you all for your participation and attendance!

***Did someone’s speech today impact you?  Did someone’s participation make a difference?  Did you relate to how someone answered a question during Table Topics?  Are you thankful for our officers?  Did you especially miss someone’s attendance?  Before next Friday, I encourage you to reach out to one (or more!) of our your fellow members and let them know how they are making a difference at the Sunrise Toastmaster’s club.***

05.09.14 Fast-forward . . . Next week, Joe Stacks will serve as Toastmaster.  If you are serving in a role and haven’t confirmed, please advise him.  If your availability changes, please also advise him.  Speakers, please contact Joe with your speech # and title.  I look forward to seeing you all next week.  As always, let your friends and co-workers know that guests are always welcome to join our meetings.