A highlight of 10/16/20 meeting was Wendi, giving her first Ice Breaker speech, The Power Of Positive Thinking. We also welcomed guest, Vince Wellmaker, from UNC Charlotte, to his first Toastmasters meeting, who courageously volunteered to tackle a table topic question during the meeting. Our next meeting is on Friday 10/23/20 at 7am. Come join us, we’ll make you feel right at home. We open up the Zoom meeting at 6:45am for people to come a little early and socialize if they’d like to.

Our Toastmaster today was Tim, and his Word-of-the-Day was curate. The second prepared speaker, Dave, gave his speech My Most Important Role in preparation for an upcoming TI speech competition. Karen lead the Table Topics session with an extremely difficult round of questions asking us to identify an unknown word as a muscle or Roman emperor, and then describe them/it. Angela led the evaluation team with Summer, Dustin, Amelya, and Kelsey. Three members, Kelsey, Wendi, and Amelya were for the second week in a row, all filling roles that they had not done before this week, and did fantastic. It was another positive meeting with 100% participation!
The roles for our next meeting on 10/23/20 will be:
Toastmaster – Bettina
Speaker 1 – Savannah
Speaker 2 – Karen
Table Topics – Dave
General Evaluator – Norris
Evaluator 1 – Kelsey
Evaluator 2 – Amelya
Timer – Wendy
Grammarian – Angela
We’ll see you all on Friday morning!