The Sunrise Toastmaster meeting for May 14, 2021 was led by Toastmaster Savannah Murphy who presented the word sus as the word for the day. A new urban term, sus means to be suspicious or suspect. The first speaker of the morning was member Norris Bass. Norris presented a speech titled Hidden Figures on the first woman engineer at Lockheed named Mary Ross. This was an inspiring speech about beating the odds and using what you’ve been given to serve others. Summer Murphy, the second speaker, gave an always important talk on effective communication. Summer highlighted the importance of having communication goals when engaging in conversation with others. Toastmasters excel in leading and speaking and its always nice to have a refresher in communication basics. Amelya Black hosted Table Topics with the theme of using the imagination. Amelya spoke of the benefits of using ones imagination for problem solving, brain health, and emotional stimulation. Questions ranged from finding magic beans to being a magical architect to having the attention of everyone on the planet. Dave Burr led evaluations as the general evaluator and joining Dave was Angela Marsh and Dustin Johnson as speaker evaluators, Karen Rhodes as Timer, and Tim Murphy as the grammarian. Join Sunrise Toastmasters at the next meeting via zoom on May 21, 2021. Guests are encouraged and welcomed!!