We had another fantastic meeting exploring the past and envisioning the future. Guests are welcome to visit a meeting and see if our club matches their own personal growth and improved communication goals.
Following our minute of of silence in respect of the BLM movement, our Toastmaster, Dave Burr, gave us the word of the day in chippy and jumped us into our agenda. Anu Parvathaneni, who is in the process of creating future parental guidance videos for her career in counseling, gave us an amazing talk with several thought provoking analogies, with on comparing to use of geology when getting to know the characteristics of an individual, while still advancing along her Pathways educational program. Karen Rhodes, gave the last Level 2 project in her Visionary Communication Pathway. The title of the speech was “Papers and Protégés” which gave us a glimpse into her past with her co-workers that served as examples to her throughout her journalism career. Summer Murphy gave us funny slang expressions to field from either before 1980, or after 1980, in Table Topics. This lead our president-elect, Kelsey Long, to change her childhood nickname to “Flutterbum Fiona” in her adoption of slang from the past. Our evaluations were lead, and timed, by Dustin Johnson, with an evaluation from Tim, and an evaluation and grammarian report Marlit, also filling dual roles. As people are being vaccinated, members are having the chance to travel more. The beauty of our online meetings, and future hybrid meetings, is the opportunity to join into meetings even when traveling, if you’d like. The schedule for June is posted to the website, and all vacation requests received have been incorporated. See you on Friday morning!