Fast Forward/Rewind – April 21, 2023

Our President elect, Toastmaster Amelya Evans, opened the meeting welcoming our faithful attendees leading us deliberately to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Amelya cleared any doubt on flagging bias, reminding us how to use our bias flag to support our journey to become better speakers, and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Maria Leon chose vacation as the word of the day, encouraging use of this word during the meeting. 

Maria shared the agenda, and reconciled open roles and another memorable Sunrise Toastmasters meeting began.  

Toastmaster Dave Burr introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Karen RhodesKaren’s extended speech was fantastic, we took a journey through Pathways and associated it keenly to a backpack trip. There are moments you can created a journey exclusively for yourself, your perspective changes as you feel each moment, and there is exhilaration rounding each corner, experiencing much beauty in the journey. Well done, Toastmaster, well done!    

Toastmaster Norris Bass introduced our second speaker, Savannah Murphy.  Savannah shared The Hat maker speech with us, taking us on a hero’s journey making hats, reminding us it’s worth it, and how much our voice matters. This speech will be presented next month in Charlotte, with a live audience. We couldn’t be prouder, well done Toastmaster, well done!

We moved to our Topics Master, Angela Marsh, engaging and challenging Toastmasters and guests in conversation to strengthen our ability to compose thoughts and speak intentionally.

Toastmaster Greg Sutton served as General Evaluator, summarizing the breakfast of champions portion of our meeting with the thoughtful insights, leading the team in sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster Kerstin Haase provided a stellar Timer report and Toastmaster Stiles Burr shared the Grammarian report, helping the Toastmaster’s continuing learning and growth – well done team!

Maria reviewed roles for next week and the meeting was transitioned to our President to close another wonderful Sunrise Toastmasters meeting ended. President Amelya thanked everyone for their participation in another amazing Toastmasters meeting before and closed the meeting. 

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, April 28 EST on Zoom. 

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

TM – Stiles

Speaker 1 – Antwain 

Speaker 2 – Savannah

Table Topics – John

Gen. Eval – Renuka

Eval 1 – Luz

Eval 2 – Kelly

Timer – (Tahr)

Grammarian – Stiles