Sunrise Toastmaster Club President Kerstin Haase welcomed the club members to the meeting and shared the importance of having the courage to share our truth and reminded the club to be comfortable in our own values and beliefs as we moved into our minute of silence.
Kerstin welcomed the club back to the meeting and encouraged us, as Toastmasters, to acknowledge the unconscious bias when speaking and address those biases as an opportunity to support each other to become competent and better speakers.
Dave Burr served as the meeting Toastmaster and shared stories on clouds throughout the meeting. Dave selected “Word of the Day” (WOD), “clouds.” The definitions provided were: 1) a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground. 2) a state or cause of gloom, suspicion, trouble, or worry.
Dave shared the agenda and asked for volunteers to fill the open roles, to which the club responded well. Dave also shared quotes written by Joni Mitchell, and those that inspired him to select the WOD, before transitioning to the speeches.
Kerstin served as the meeting Evaluator today, and introduced the only speaker of the day, Toastmaster Norris Bass. Norris delivered a 5–7-minute speech from the Persuasive Influence pathway titled, ‘Health Directives and Final Arrangements.’ To inspire his audience, Norris shared important events in life as it relates to preparing for life events, and the journey of learning the importance of helping others.
Toastmaster Anu Parvathaneni led an extended Table Topics session, allowing each Toastmaster an opportunity to participate during the meeting. We learned about each other as we shared the stories of our past.
VP of Marketing, Toastmaster Tina Joe Ross served as the General Evaluator, sharing the strengths during the overview summary of the meeting, introduced the evaluation team.
Toastmaster Kerstin provided a thorough evaluation of Norris’s speech, highlighting the strength’s by presenting family life events that inspired a call to action during this exceptional speech.
Toastmaster Styles Burr served as the meeting’s Timer and Grammarian and kept everyone informed visually of their speaking time to keep the meeting on track while bringing awareness to the use of fillers ‘ah,’ and ‘ums’ during the meeting.
Toastmaster Dave summarized the roles for next week and passed the meeting over to Kerstin for closing remarks. President Kerstin officially adjourned the meeting wishing everyone another wonderful week, and with a quote from Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, that showcased her pride in America’s diverse and hardworking community of people.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on August 30, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the meeting link.
The roles for the next meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Anu
Speaker 1: Savannah
Speaker 2: Savannah
Table topics: Hema
Gen Evaluator: Kerstin
Evaluator 1: John
Evaluator 2:
Timer: Norris
Grammarian: Tina Joe