Fast Forward/Rewind – August 4, 2023

President-elect Summer Murphy opened the meeting, leading us deliberately to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Summer cleared any doubt on the bias flag, encouraging us to use it to support our journey of becoming better speakers, and transitioned the meeting to Toastmaster Savannah Murphy. Savannah introduced the word of the day, mudita, which means the pleasure that comes from witnessing other people’s joy.

Toastmaster Dave Burr introduced the first speaker, Toastmaster Kerstin Haase. Kerstin shared a pocket speech titled ‘Welcome to Holland’, talking about how the unexpected can be an opportunity for growth and emphasized that beauty is found wherever we go. Dave delivered heartfelt feedback and highlighted areas of strength. Always excellent, Toastmasters!

Toastmaster Angela Marsh introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Amelya Black. Amelya’s speech, titled ‘Miss Amelya’, immersed the audience with her career turns and how some changes in life might be critical and lead to larger ones. The speech reminded us that it is extremely important to show up for the people who need us. It was an emotional speech that touched everyone’s heart. Angela shared feedback and acknowledged how great the speaker and speech were. Flourishing emotions!

Table Topic Master, Toastmaster Anu Parvathaneni, led farewell table topics to Amelya and asked toastmasters to express what Amelya meant to them!

Toastmaster Tim Murphy served as the General Evaluator, highlighted the key points, summarized the breakfast of champions portion of the meeting with thoughtful insights, and led the team in sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster Norris Bass provided the Timer report. Toastmaster Greg Sutton shared the Grammarian report. Excellent team!

Savannah reviewed roles for next week and transitioned the meeting to our president to close the meeting.

(This is DEFINITELY not to say goodbye, but to say see you soon, Amelya!)

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on August 10, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the meeting link.

The roles for the next meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster:  Summer
Speaker 1: Luz
Speaker 2: Angela  
Table Topics: Norris
Gen. Evaluator: Savannah
Evaluator 1: Greg
Evaluator 2: Maria  
Timer: Renuka
Grammarian:  Tim