Fast Forward/Rewind for 11/22/2019

Fast/Forward/Rewind for November 22, 2019

We had a fantastic meeting Friday. Savannah was our Toastmaster giving us ‘Orison’ as Word of the Day. Matt was our first speaker with a condensed version of his Human Relations speech. Mike W. gave us our second speech titled Who is Your Hero. He shared a great story about meeting our very own Richard Petty. David led us with a great round of Table Topics. Norris was Meeting Evaluator with Alvin evaluating Matt and Dave evaluating Mike W. Karen was our Timer/Grammarian.

We will not be meeting next Friday. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Roles for 12/06 are as follows:

Room: 43  Near the Credit Union, our other room.

Toastmaster: Matt

Speakers: (1) Karen (2) Mike W.

Table Topics: Norris

Gen. Evaluator: Dave

Evaluators: (1) Savannah (2) Open

Timer/Grammarian: Open