Fast Forward/Rewind for September 27th
Great meeting today! Two of our newest members really shined today: Matt as our Toastmaster and Mike W. as our first speaker. Anu also did a fantastic job with her speech. Angela led us in a philosophical round of Table Topics. Our general evaluator was Alvin and our speaker evaluators were Dave and Bettina. Karen was our Timer/Grammarian.
Next week we will be in Room 43 and our roles are as follows:
Toastmaster: Norris
Speaker 1: Alvin
Speaker 2: David G.
Table Topics: Dave*
Gen. Evaluator: Angela
Speaker Eval. 1: Karen
Speaker Eval. 2: Savannah
Timer/Grammarian: Anu
*One last note: Dave will be representing our club this coming TUESDAY NIGHT, October 1, in both the evaluation and humorous speech contests! Let’s attend and cheer him on! Details to come in a separate email.