Fast Forward/Rewind – July 12 meeting

Happy Friday, all! We had a full house this morning, with 12 people in attendance! Norris was our Toastmaster and gave us “define” as the Word of the Day. Karen was our speaker, sharing a very personal and difficult story for Project 4 of the Storytelling manual. Savannah lightened the mood after that with some really entertaining Table Topics questions, which were answered in equally entertaining ways! Bettina was General Evaluator, Anu was Speaker Evaluator, and David served as our Timer/Grammarian.

An important note: We need a new President for the 2019-2020 year, which began July 1. If you are interested, please let Savannah know ASAP. Here’s the full officer slate for 2019-2020:

President: TBD
VP of Education: Anu
VP of Membership: Savannah
VP of Public Relations: David
Secretary: Karen
Treasurer: Dave
Sergeant-at-Arms: Norris

And here are the roles for next week:

Room: Angela will let us know; stay tuned!
Toastmaster: Savannah
Speaker: Anu
Table Topics: David
General Evaluator: Norris
Speaker Evaluator: Alvin
Timer/Grammarian: Karen

As always, if you can’t fulfill your role, please let the Toastmaster (Savannah) know directly, or update that information by logging into the new club website (

Thanks, everyone, and have a great weekend and week ahead!