Our Sargent at Arms, Tim Murphy, opened the meeting sharing his personal story we can all relate to, explaining through the eyes of a child the utmost importance of this movement, and led us into our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. After welcoming our guests and sharing an overview of the meeting Tim transitioned to the day’s Toastmaster Renuka Korlipara. Renuka chose Ritual as the word of the day, defining ritual as a way of behaving or a series of actions people carry out because it is their custom. A quick round of introductions sharing rituals welcomed our returning guest Abdul to our well attended meeting of 12.
Alvin Powell introduced Maria Leon, our first speaker. Maria’s speech titled “Dogs vs Kids” was a delightful speech sharing her observation of the similarities of dogs and children, and how relatable pets are too little humans. Careful consideration and doing research before selecting a pet was highly recommended by this experienced pet owner! Maria’s smile resonated, allowing a connection with the audience. The speech was connected, researched well and included a call to action, well done Toastmaster was feedback shared by evaluator Alvin.
Summer Murphy introduced Kerstin Haase, our second speaker. Kerstin’s speech titled “Never enough Hats”, shared the history of when putting on a hat started to mean something to Kerstin. The speech went on to share a series of favorite hats and the purpose behind each one, calling others to try wearing a hat they are proud of. This speech was awesome, conversational and sharing a smile with each hat was encouraging, was feedback shared by evaluator Summer.
Dave Burr hosted Table Topics, editor of the travel magazine led the team to share their reviews on places or restaurants allowing all who participated to hone on in their video journalism skills and ending the session with the classic announcement “our shake machine is broken”.
Norris Bass served as General Evaluator sharing insightful feedback, “if you miss a meeting you’ll miss something fantastic!” Tim provided the Timer report, and Anu Parvathaneni shared the Grammarian report – well done everyone!
Toastmaster Renuka thanked everyone for a great meeting and transitioned the meeting back to Tim. Tim congratulated Renuka for an excellent job as a first time Toastmaster and closed the meeting in ritual precision, thanking our guest for joining us, and sharing the roles for the meeting next week.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, July 29 EST on Zoom.
The roles for that meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Tim
Speaker 1: Amelya
Speaker 2: Anu
Table Topics: Greg
Gen. Evaluator: Renuka
Speaker 1 Eval: Karen
Speaker 2 Eval: Savannah
Timer: Alvin
Grammarian: John