Summer Murphy opened the meeting sharing the Sunrise TM club history which started reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to taking a moment of silence for the Black Lives Matter movement. Toastmaster Ameyla Black shared our WOD humane, which means showing compassion and benevolence bringing to light those near and far suffering and deserving of a better life. Introductions were lead to welcome our guest and we resumed our meeting agenda.
Kerstin Haase introduced Dave Burr, our first speaker. Dave’s speech “The Unit” shared challenges during a live theater performance, pressure of getting things just right and how we could take initiative to work towards a resolution, it just takes a few people with the desire to try. Dave’s speech well done, deserving of a standing ovation.
Maria Leon introduced Angela Marsh, our second speaker. Angela’s Pocket speech was reminiscent of an icebreaker speech. What seemed like a random assortment of items stored in Angela’s fun vacation purse we shared a glimpse of Angela and learned a few things during this enlightening wonderful speech.
Tanuja Reddy hosted Table Topics, the questions creatively surfacing around days that people celebrate in July. Each question provided an opportunity for participants to easily expand on answers from our members and guest.
Norris Bass served as General Evaluator, Renuka Korlipara provided the Timer report, and Greg Sutton the Grammarian report -well done everyone!
Amelya Black closed the meeting with a message sharing the importance of human rights, thanking our guest for joining us and shared the roles for the meeting next week.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, July 15 EST on Zoom.
The roles for that meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Greg
Speaker 1: Tanuja
Speaker 2: Savannah
Table Topics: John
Gen. Evaluator: Karen
Speaker 1 Eval: Tim
Speaker 2 Eval: Dave
Timer: Maria
Grammarian: Kerstin
Invite someone you know to start their journey toward becoming a better communicator and a more effective leader at Sunrise Toastmasters!