Fast Forward/Rewind -June 16, 2023

President, Toastmaster Amelya Black, opened the meeting purposefully leading us to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Amelya shared how to use our bias flag to support our awareness journey to become better speakers and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Tim Murphy. Tim chose cattywampus as the word of the day, defining and encouraging use of this word during the meeting. Tim reviewed the meeting agenda, added volunteers, and another memorable Sunrise Toastmasters meeting began. 

Toastmaster John Doggett introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Maria Leon. Maria speech was an informative speech about a highly rated Netflix series, Narcos. Maria balanced both pros and cons with the series, and challenged us to consider all sides of any story. Evaluator John commented on the strengths of the presentation, and information sharing was extremely well executed, seeing a marked improvement in this Toastmasters journey. Great job Toastmaster Maria!   

Toastmaster Norris Bass introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Karen Rhodes. Karen shared a speaker’s icebreaker speech, sharing in numeric sequence past speeches and milestones during this well executed speech. Evaluator Norris praised Karen, for a well organized and easy to follow flow of the speech. Impressive speech Toastmaster Karen!

During Table Topics, Summer Murphy led an engaging session that was exceptionally planned and well executed, challenging Toastmasters in a spontaneous conversation session to strengthening our ability to compose thoughts and speak intentionally. Well done Toastmasters!

Serving as our General Evaluator, Toastmaster Kerstin Haase summarized the breakfast of champions portion of our meeting with depth and knowledgeable feedback of the day’s meeting. Insightful and thoughtful speech evaluations were provided by Toastmaster’s John and Norris, sharing strengths and areas to improve. Toastmaster Kelly Gentry provided another stellar Timer report and Toastmaster Savannah Murphy shared a Grammarian report with helpful detail, acknowledging use of the word of the day and any bias flags. As a team they collectively helped their fellow Toastmaster’s continued on their journey of progress and growth – well done everyone!

Toastmaster Tim reviewed roles for next week and the meeting was transitioned to Toastmaster Amelya to close another wonderful Sunrise Toastmasters meeting. 

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, June 23 EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest contact us for the Zoom link.  

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster:  Norris
Speaker 1: Angela
Speaker 2: Luz
Table Topics:  Dave
Gen. Evaluator:  Stiles
Evaluator 1: Savannah
Evaluator 2:  Amelya
Timer: Maria 
Grammarian: (new member)