Fast Forward/Rewind – June 30, 2023

President Elect, Toastmaster Amelya Black, opened the meeting encouraging us to consider our different lived experiences as an opportunity for an exchange, deliberately leading us to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Amelya shared how to use our awareness flag to support our journey to become better speakers and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Anu Parvathaneni. Anu chose responsibility as the word of the day, defining and encouraging use of this word during the meeting. We reviewed the meeting agenda, shared introductions to welcome our guest Amy, and another memorable Sunrise Toastmasters meeting began. 

Toastmaster Maria Leon introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Kelly Gentry. Kelly shared a beautiful and heartfelt speech titled “Love can conquer all”. “A strong support system works wonders” Kelly shared, and all those who had the honor and privilege of being a part of this unique and unforgettable day made all the memories possible. This speech was beautifully written and well executed, the speaker is extremely talented and did an exceptional job today. Well done, Toastmaster!   

Toastmaster John Doggett introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Greg Sutton. Greg did an excellent job with the speech titled “Stay charged, finish the race”. The enthusiasm was contagious, this speech about backyard lawn and garden responsibilities going electric. This speech was fun to listen to, weaving humor into a healthy competition among neighbors to complete responsibilities to the yard and the environment moving from gas to battery powered equipment. What a great presentation and knowledge share! Thank you, Toastmaster – nicely done!

During Table Topics, Amelya led an engaging session with questions asking, “would you rather”, challenging Toastmasters in a spontaneous conversation session to strengthen our ability to compose thoughts and speak intentionally. Great job Toastmasters!

Serving as our General Evaluator, Toastmaster Abdulrahman Albazie summarized the breakfast of champions portion of our meeting, sharing valuable feedback of the day’s meeting. Insightful and thoughtful speech evaluations were provided by Toastmasters Maria and John sharing their thoughts of what made an impression on them, the strengths, and areas to improve for each speaker – all essential steps in our journey. Toastmaster Karen Rhodes provided a stellar Timer report and Toastmaster Stiles Burr shared the Grammarian report with helpful detail, acknowledging use of the word of the day and bias flags. As a team they collectively helped their fellow Toastmaster’s continued learning and growth – well done everyone!

Anu reviewed roles for next week and the meeting was transitioned to Amelya to close her last meeting as club President. We shared thanks for her leadership and accomplishments throughout the year to all who served club roles, and welcomed the new officers for the coming year, closing another delightful Sunrise Toastmasters meeting. 

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, July 7 EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest contact us for the Zoom link.  

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster:  Abdulrahman
Speaker 1: Latoya 
Speaker 2: Summer
Table Topics:  Tim
Gen. Evaluator:  Amelya
Evaluator 1: Anu
Evaluator 2:  Stiles 
Timer:  Norris
Grammarian:  Renuka