Fast Forward/Rewind – May 10 meeting

Hello, all. We had a small crowd and a short meeting on May 10. Angela volunteered to lead us as Toastmaster, and did a fantastic job of it. She suggested the word “wacky” as our Word of the Day, and we agreed unanimously to go with that. Anu was our only speaker, and gave us some great information about leadership skills. Angela also led us in Table Topics. Norris was our General Evaluator, Savannah was our Speaker Evaluator, and Karen was our Timer/Grammarian.

The roles for the next two weeks are as follows. If you can’t fulfill your role, please let the Toastmaster know!

May 17 May 24
Room North Tower 102 North Tower 102
Toastmaster Mike David
Speaker 1 OPEN Dave
Speaker 2 Alvin Mike
Table Topics Brian Joe
Gen. Evaluator OPEN OPEN
Evaluator 1 Norris Karen
Evaluator 2 David Bettina
Timer/Grammarian Karen OPEN