Fast Forward/Rewind – May 19, 2023

Sargent of Arms Officer, Toastmaster Tim Murphy, opened the meeting sharing a story of a family who was stopped in TN, had their children taken away from them and went through unbelievable hardship and injustice, leading us deliberately to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Tim cleared any doubt on flagging bias, reminding us how to use our bias flag to support our journey to become better speakers, and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Dave Burr. Dave chose grit as the word of the day, defining and encouraging use of this word during the meeting. Dave welcomed the guest Latoya Neal by asking people where they would like to go, great idea! We viewed the meeting agenda, and another memorable Sunrise Toastmasters meeting began. 

We had one speaker on the scheduled today, and one evaluator. Toastmaster Stiles Burr introduced the speech format and our speaker, Toastmaster Kerstin Haase. Kerstin had an extended speech, “What the Eye’s Don’t See The Heart Feels” based on a book that means a lot to this speaker, sharing a story of courage and determination despite a terrible situation. The first half of the speech was focused on water safety and the Flint Michigan water crisis. The second half of the allocated speech time was spent sharing a question answer session. This speech was very informative, and presentation was solid. The questions and answer session was well executed. Nice job, Toastmaster!   

During Table Topics, Greg Sutton led an engaging question answer session on the WOD, challenging Toastmasters and guests in spontaneous conversation to strengthen our ability to compose thoughts and speak intentionally. Nicely done Greg!

Serving as our General Evaluator, Luz Bigelow summarized the breakfast of champions portion of our meeting with depth and knowledgeable feedback, thank you! An insightful and thoughtful speech evaluation was provided by Toastmaster Stiles, noticing the props, background effects contributing to the content of the speech. The ability to answer question and manage time was essential, well done! Toastmaster Tim Murphy provided a stellar Timer report and Toastmaster Kelly Gentry shared the Grammarian report with detail, acknowledging use of the word of the day. As a team, they collectively helped their fellow Toastmaster’s continued learning and growth – well done everyone!

Dave reviewed roles for next week and the meeting was transitioned to Tim to close another wonderful Sunrise Toastmasters meeting. Everyone was thanked for their participation in another amazing Toastmasters meeting.

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, May 26 EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest contact us for the Zoom link.  

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

TM – Summer

Speaker 1 – Kelly 

Speaker 2 – Tim

Table Topics – Kerstin

Gen. Eval – Savannah 

Eval 1 – Karen

Eval 2 – Abdulrahman

Timer – Antwain

Grammarian – John