Sunrise Toastmasters opened with a moment of silence observing the Black Lives Matter Movement along with all people working toward peace, equality, and justice in our world. Summer Murphy, toastmaster for the morning meeting, shared the word of the day, embrace which means to accept something enthusiastically. The group went through a brief round of introductions and then transitioned to the speakers portion. First speaker of the meeting, Dave Burr, presented a speech titled Rising Sun. Dave shared the life work of the Japanese American activist Yuri Kochiyama. What level of violence and nonviolence do people take to seek equality? This was the question Dave rhetorically asked as he described Kochiyamas work as housewife, advocate, and witness. Truly inspiring! The second speaker was President of the Club Tim Murphy. Tim delivered a speech on a topic he was giving in an upcoming address to Landmark Construction. The presentation detailed all the important facets of effective communication and how it relates to good leadership and a productive, healthy work environment. As Toastmasters, this is what we thrive on, the moments we get to take our learned skills out into the world. Table Topics, led by Marlit Hayslett, embraced the simplicity and fun of life. Participants described their favorite type of music, time of day, and actor along with symbolism of rain and desired places to travel. It was an easy going and happy Table Topics session! The evaluation team was led by General Evaluator Norris Bass. Accompanying Norris were Speaker Evaluators Madison Lowe and Angela Marsh, Timer Kelsey Long, and Grammarian Anu Parvathaneni. As always, the Sunrise Toastmasters meeting provided a motivating and encouraging space for individuals to learn and grow. Guests are encouraged and welcomed. Please join us for the next meeting on May 14, 2021 via Zoom.