Fast Forward/Rewind – Sept. 7 meeting

Karen was the Toastmaster today, and throughout the meeting she talked about this weekend’s inaugural North Carolina Folk Festival, which is a legacy event of the National Folk Festival that was hosted here in Greensboro from 2015 to 2017. Our Word of the Day was “folk,” and several of us used it during our turns to speak.

Our two speakers were Phil and Norris. Phil introduced us to an important though not usually recognized person from history: Katharina von Bora, aka Katharina Luther, Martin Luther’s wife. Norris introduced us to his “folks” in his Pathways Icebreaker, sharing stories of how his family shaped him into who he is today.

Dave led us in an entertaining round of Table Topics, asking us how we’d celebrate various little-known national days like National Grandma Moses Day and National Acorn Squash Day, just to name a couple. Alvin led our evaluation team, which included Steve, David and Savannah.

Looking ahead to the roles for next Friday, Sept. 14, we have a couple of openings, and several of the people who are on next week’s agenda weren’t there today to confirm for next week. Please let us know if you can’t fill a role you’re scheduled for, or if you can fill either of the open roles.

Toastmaster OPEN (maybe Dave)
Speaker 1 Savannah
Speaker 2 OPEN (maybe Dave)
Table Topics Brian
Gen Evaluator Steve
Speaker Eval 1 Norris
Speaker Eval 2 Mike
Timer/Grammarian David

Have a great weekend and week ahead!