Our VP of Education, Toastmaster Summer Murphy opened the meeting, bringing into focus the importance of ending injustices and unfair practices put on minorities, leading us into our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Welcoming our Toastmasters and guests, Summer transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Anu Parvathaneni. Anu chose Duty as the word of the day – a moral or legal obligation, a responsibility or a task or action that someone is required to perform. With a quick round of introductions sharing a glimpse of each other’s lives, the day’s meeting began.
Toastmaster Summer Murphy introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Karen Rhodes. Karen’s speech titled “Wide as the Sky” that took us on a visual journey into a vision plan was enlightening and entertaining. The speech was recorded, this was the first of two planned speeches. Being intentional, putting the work into fruition by sharing stories and setting goals, you can do anything was feedback shared by evaluator Summer.
Toastmaster Maria Leon introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Tanuja Reddy. Tanuja’s speech titled “I Never Knew Queen Elizabeth Personally, so Why Am I So Sad?” was a thoughtful refection, blending history and the 70 years of duty faithfully executed during the Queen of England’s tenured reign, one we will not witness again. History is an excellent instructor, Tanuja’s speech shared a balanced perspective of history that related well with the audience, was feedback shared by evaluator Maria.
Toastmaster Tim Murphy hosted Table Topics, asking the Toastmaster’s and guests to share their answers to questions derived from lyrics taken from a Bruce Springsteen song “The River”, strengthening our ability to speak conversationally.
Toastmaster Kestin Haase served as General Evaluator, summarizing the meeting with thoughtful feedback and lead the team’s sharing of feedback and reports. Toastmaster Savannah Murphy provided the Timer report and Toastmaster Dave Burr shared the Grammarian report – well done everyone!
Toastmaster Anu thanked everyone for a great meeting, reviewed roles for next week, and transitioned the meeting back to Toastmaster Summer, who in kind thanked everyone for their participation and closed another great meeting on time.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, September, 23 EST on Zoom.
The roles for that meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Amelya
Speaker 1: Greg
Speaker 2: Norris
Table Topics: John
Gen. Evaluator: Summer
Speaker 1 Eval: Abdul
Speaker 2 Eval: Tanuja
Timer: Karen
Grammarian: Stiles