Our President, Toastmaster Amelya Black, opened the meeting bringing into focus the endless pursuit of striving to prevent racial inequality prevalent in society and the importance of tackling important issues, leading us into our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Welcoming our Toastmasters, Area Director Patricio Morat, and guests Kevin and Robbie, Toastmaster Amelya transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster John Doggett. John chose Prankster as the word of the day – a mischievous or malicious person who plays tricks or practical jokes on someone. With a quick round of introductions each Sunrise Toastmaster and guest shared a glimpse of each other’s lives, and the meeting began.
Toastmaster Summer Murphy introduced our first speaker, Toastmaster Abdul Albazie. Abdul’s speech titled “From my World to Your World” was an icebreaker speech. Abdul leveraged a screen share, the camera and personal stores to convey Saudi Arabian culture – advanced techniques unexpected and appreciated! The stories shared were personal, informative and a joy to listen to. The newest Toastmaster, who resides thousands of miles away, connected well with the audience and did an outstanding job, leaving us wanting to hear more was feedback shared by evaluator Summer.
Toastmaster Renuka Korlipara introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Savannah Murphy. Savannah’s speech titled “Natural Tendencies” was an exploration into a lifelong love of animals, intentional gaps in history, and the flagrant hypocrisy of humans as a species. Savannah’s humorous and well researched, informative speech resonated well with the audience, closing strong with facts regarding to the human condition we all need to think about, was feedback shared by evaluator Renuka.
Toastmaster Dave Burr hosted Table Topics, challenging Toastmaster’s and guests to share their experience in continued conversational. Weaving a story, each Toastmaster shared their interaction with animals commonly found living near a beach, strengthening our ability to speak conversationally.
Toastmaster Amelya Black served as General Evaluator, summarizing the meeting with thoughtful feedback and led the team’s sharing of feedback and reports. Toastmaster Norris Bass provided the Timer report and Toastmaster Tanuja Reddy shared the Grammarian report – well done everyone!
Toastmaster John thanked everyone for another great meeting, reviewed roles for next week, and transitioned the meeting back to Toastmaster Amelya, who in kind thanked everyone for their participation in another amazing meeting and closed the meeting on time.
The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, September, 16 EST on Zoom.
The roles for that meeting are as follows:
Toastmaster: Anu
Speaker 1: Karen
Speaker 2: Tanuja
Table Topics: Tim
Gen. Evaluator: Kerstin
Speaker 1 Eval: Stiles
Speaker 2 Eval: Maria
Timer: Greg
Grammarian: Dave