Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Nov 21, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in meeting room
NT102A and we started at 7:00 a.m.We had a total of 12 members and one guest present at our meeting.President Angela Lingon opened our meeting and turned it over to Dave Burr our Toastmaster for the morning. His word of the day was ‘Palette’ and he referenced the complexity and subtleties of ‘shades of color’ throughout the meeting.
Our first speaker was Richard Schmidt and this was his ice-breaker speech. The title of his speech was ‘No plan survives reality intact’. He spoke of his love of international affairs and his plan to eventually earn a masters/phd in that field. This plan did not pan out but he acquired as much international experience as possible, in various industries, including learning a foreign language in pursuit of executing the plan.
Our second speaker was Alvin Powell. He spoke from the Specialty manual and the title of the speech was ‘Obesity epidemic’. He spoke about the causes and challenges leading to obesity epidemic in this country. He concluded that a good way to fight this epidemic was mainly by reducing our food consumption.
Tim Murphy led us in table topics and set it up based on ‘favorites’. Favorite fall color, favorite table topics answer, favorite toastmaster speech were some of the topics discussed.
Thanks to Dramaine Freeman and Phil Stringer for serving as evaluator and to Robert Hickling for being general evaluator. Thanks to Esther Khoury for serving as Timer/Grammarian.
Below is the agenda of our upcoming meeting on Friday Nov 21, 2014. Please contact Toastmaster Brett Williams if you are on the agenda.
Toastmaster Brett Williams
Speaker 1 Angela Ligon
Speaker 2 Summer Murphy
Table Topics Dave Burr
Gen.Evaluator Dramaine Freeman
Speaker Evaluator Tim Murphy
Speaker Evaluator Alvin Powell
Grammarian/Timer Ying NaRespectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack – sg
Speaker 1 Angela Ligon
Speaker 2 Summer Murphy
Table Topics Dave Burr
Gen.Evaluator Dramaine Freeman
Speaker Evaluator Tim Murphy
Speaker Evaluator Alvin Powell
Grammarian/Timer Ying NaRespectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack – sg