Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Sept 5, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital, meeting room NT102A and started at 7:00 a.m.
We had a total of 13 members present at our meeting.
VP of education Summer Murphy stepped in as President for the meeting since Angela Ligon had a speaking role. Summer opened the meeting by leading everyone in reciting the pledge of allegiance. She then turned over the meeting to Alvin Powell who was Toastmaster for the meeting. Alvin’s word of the day was “Temerity” which means ‘the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment in a way that seems rude or foolish’. His theme for the meeting was about different addictions- heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, nicotine etc. – and he encouraged us to read the recent Time magazine article that inspired this theme.
Angela Ligon gave our first speech of the morning titled ” Forget New and Improved: Cast a Vote for Tried and True” from competent communication manual (project #8 Get comfortable with visual aids 5-7 Minutes). Angela spoke about owning cast iron cookware and listed all the benefits of cast iron as compared to modern non stick cookware.
Tim Murphy gave our second speech of the morning titled “How to be a Distinguished Club” from the Advance Manual (Successful Club Series; Time 10-15 Minutes). His speech was how Toastmasters clubs can achieve distinguished club status along with others club distinctions. This was based on his extensive experience with Toastmasters.
Ying Na did a great job leading Table Topics. She read us quotes and we had to respond with what we thought the quote meant.
Thanks to Joe Stack (me) and Esther Khoury for serving as evaluator and to Summer Murphy for being general evaluator. Thanks to Steve Stephens for serving as Timer/Grammarian.
1. Membership dues are coming up. Submit payment of $ 42.00 to Steve Stephens.
Below is the summary of our upcoming meeting on Friday Sept 12, 2014. Please contact Toastmaster Esther Khoury if you are on the agenda.
Toastmaster Esther
Speaker 1 Griselda
Speaker 2 Robert
Table Topics Mike
Gen.Evaluator Steve
Speaker Evaluator Dave
Speaker Evaluator Dramaine
Grammarian/Timer Summer
Respectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack