Fast Forward/Rewind – March 8, 2024

Our Sergeant at Arms, Dave Burr, commenced the meeting with thought-provoking insights on the power structure and economic disparities that contribute to systemic oppression and inequality, shedding light on the barriers and marginalization experienced by specific individuals and communities, and leading us to the moment of silence in support and acknowledgement of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Dave also introduced the bias flag, encouraging its use as a tool to foster growth in our journey toward becoming more effective speakers, handing over the reins to our Toastmaster for the day, Greg Sutton. Greg set the tone by introducing the word of the day, “rejuvenate,” prompting each participant to share a glimpse of their inner joy!

In the captivating speech introduced by Toastmaster Dave Burr, our first and only speaker, Toastmaster Savannah Murphy, held the audience spellbound with her speech titled “All Souls.” Drawing from her experience volunteering for burial services, Savannah shared insights that left a lasting impact on all who listened. With unwavering empathy and a perceptive lens, she illuminated the often-overlooked aspects of burials, providing a wealth of information and new perspectives. Fearlessly addressing the common dread associated with death, she brought to light the impact that contributing to the final resting place of individuals can have on both the departed and the living. Dave provided invaluable feedback, offering constructive insights and suggestions for improvement.

Toastmaster Hema Kellett led an extended engaging table topic session, presenting questions to elicit spontaneous responses from participants. This interactive segment aimed to enhance our ability to think on our feet, articulate our thoughts effectively, and deliver impactful impromptu responses. Well done, Hema!

Toastmaster Saraswathi Mahalingam served as the General Evaluator, providing an assessment of the meeting and recognizing outstanding performances. Toastmaster John Doggett delivered the Timer report, ensuring adherence to allotted time. And Toastmaster Abdulrahman Albazie presented the Grammarian report, offering feedback on language usage and suggestions for improvement.

Greg passed the reins of the meeting to Dave, who concluded and adjourned the meeting!

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on March 15, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the meeting link.

The roles for the next meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster: Tina Joe

Speaker 1: Tim  

Speaker 2: Abdulrahman 

Table Topics: Tina Joe   

General Evaluator: Hema      

Evaluator 1: Dave

Evaluator 2: Anu

Timer: Saraswathi

Grammarian: Greg

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