Rewind and Fast Forward

6.6.14 Rewind . . . The Margaret Mead quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”, was especially applicable in this unusually small group of indefatigable Sunrise Toastmasters.  Our Toastmaster Phil Stringer related his theme to the TED Talk, “Abundance is Our Future” (Link:  by recognizing what we have, and that even with all of its faults, the world is an amazing and improving place.  Tim Murphy presented a speech that he will be giving next week at a Merchants Association meeting on the topic “What you learned about business from your father that you include in your business today”  Dramaine Freeman voluntarily faced a faux panel of executive interviewers while he answered cleverly crafted career related questions.  Thank you to Dave Burr for leading the Table Topics that had all of us reflecting on things in our life that have been EPIC and AWESOME.  Additionally, thank you to all in attendance for the round table evaluations to help Tim and Dramaine improve their presentations.  We had a total of 5 members and no visitors in attendance; all five echoing the sentiment after the meeting of, “even with the small turnout, that was great!”

We hope to back to full strength with our members next week!

6.13.14 Fast-forward . . . Please contact Toastmaster Steve Stephens to confirm your position next week, or if your availability changes.  Scheduled speakers, please also email Steve with your speech title and number by 5 p.m. next Wednesday, June 11th.  See below for a confirmation of roles:

Toastmaster                      Steve Stephens
Speaker #1                        Tim Murphy
Speaker #2                        Summer Murphy
Table Topics                      Dramaine Freeman
Gen Eval                            Esther Khoury
Evaluator                            Dave Burr
Evaluator #2
Grammarian/Timer         Angela Ligon