Fast Forward/Rewind – Sept. 28 meeting

For our Sept. 28 meeting, “arbitrary” was the Word of the Day—and a perfect description of the meeting.

Dave, a Distinguished Toastmaster, served as Toastmaster and did a great job guiding us through an unusual morning. We were moved to a different room, which resulted in the meeting starting about 7 minutes late. We were short-handed on speakers, with Brian being the only one on the schedule. His speech was on “Strategic Planning” for his company’s upcoming annual retreat, which included a PowerPoint presentation. Although Brian had planned for any and all A/V issues by bringing a TV from home, his computer arbitrarily locked up, necessitating a reboot. Mike helped fill in the time by asking a couple of his prepared Table Topics questions, which centered on retirement and aging, until Brian was ready to go, and then finished the Table Topics session after Brian’s speech. Savannah led the evaluation team, which included Steve and Norris.

For our Oct. 5 meeting, we have openings for Toastmaster and Speaker. Please let Brian know as soon as possible if you would be willing to volunteer for those roles.


Toastmaster OPEN
Speaker 1 OPEN
Speaker 2 Mike
Table Topics Alvin
Gen Evaluator Karen
Speaker Eval 1 Dave
Speaker Eval 2 Norris
Timer/Grammarian Savannah