Fast Forward/Rewind – Nov. 16 meeting

If you missed today’s meeting, you missed an inspiring one!

Mike was our Toastmaster today and gave us “memento” as the Word of the Day. Angela was our first speaker, and she built on the emotional and inspiring video below, of Keala Settle rehearsing “This Is Me” from the movie The Greatest Showman, and gave us each a memento to take with us to remind us of our roles and our personal goals in life as encouragers, risk takers and inspired people.

Karen was our second speaker and presented her first project from the Storytelling manual, adding a pinch of this and a dash of that to the folk tale of “stone soup,” turning it into “A Flavorful Fable.” Norris continued the food theme with his “potluck” of thought-provoking Table Topics.

David led our evaluation team, which consisted of Dave as Speaker Evaluator 1, David himself as Speaker Evaluator 2, and Phil as Timer/Grammarian. We were happy to welcome our repeat guest Tanicia back to the meeting!

We will NOT meet next week, due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

We will reconvene on Nov. 30 with the following roles:

Toastmaster Dave
Speaker 1 David
Speaker 2 Norris
Table Topics Steve
General Evaluator Savannah
Evaluator 1 Karen
Evaluator 2 Bettina
Timer/Grammarian Anu

As always, if you can’t fulfill your role, please let the Toastmaster know.

Have a happy holiday and a great couple of weeks! See you on the 30th!