Fast Forward/Rewind – March 31, 2023

Sunrise Toastmasters, hello!

Our President elect, Toastmaster Amelya Black, opened the meeting leading our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Amelya shared how to use our bias flag to support our journey to become better speakers and transitioned the meeting to the day’s Toastmaster Karen Rhodes. Karen chose potato as the word of the day, defining and encouraging use of this word during the meeting. Roles were shared and another memorable Sunrise Toastmasters meeting began.  

Toastmaster Dave Burr introduced the day’s fist speaker. Toastmaster Tanuja Reddy shared a well research speech on ChatGPT, a fast-growing AI internet tool of interest, sharing what it is and how it can be used. Dave keenly shared the evaluation provided by ChatGPT preceding with the Toastmaster evaluation style for providing useful feedback, congratulating the speaker for tackling an unfamiliar topic effectively.

Toastmaster Angela Marsh introduced our second speaker. Toastmaster Savannah Murphy shared a pocket speech about other AI tools found online disrupting copyrights and a program called Glaze that is helping protect artists’ work. Angela complemented Savannah for continuing the theme of the day’s speeches and recognized the level of expertise of the topic and good takeaways for the audience.  

Toastmaster Tim Murphy was the Tater Topics Master, engaging and challenging Toastmasters and guests in conversation to strengthen our ability to compose thoughts and speak intentionally. Nice work Tater!

Toastmaster Greg Sutton served as General Evaluator, summarizing the breakfast of champions portion of meeting with thoughtful insights, leading the team in sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster’s Angela and Dave did a phenomenal job providing evaluation feedback to each speaker. Toastmaster Norris Bass provided the Timer report and Toastmaster John Doggett shared the Grammarian report – well done team!

Toastmaster Karen reviewed roles for next week and thanked everyone for their participation in another amazing Toastmasters meeting before transitioning to Amelya to close the meeting.  

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 am, April 7 EST on Zoom. 

The roles for that meeting are as follows:

TM – Abdulrahman

Speaker 1 – Stiles 

Speaker 2 – Norris

Table Topics – Maria

Gen. Eval – Amelya

Eval 1 –  (Anu) – open

Eval 2 – John

Timer – Savannah

Grammarian – Kelly