Rewind and Fast Forward

06.20.14 Rewind… Thank you to Ying Na who served as our Toastmaster and reminded us why it is important to take a vacation when we have the option.    Esther presented a project from the Entertaining Speaker advanced manual.  As always, she was very animated and painted a vivid picture.    Dramaine Freeman, humorously shared, “The Power of Words”; He keep us engaged and entertained.  As Table Topics Master, Angela Ligon asked quirky questions to the eleven members and one guest.  Visitor, Divya Bhagat, jumped right in and beautifully answered the question, “What are you holding onto that you should discard or let go of.”  Steve Stephens, Summer Murphy, Dave Burr and Robert Hickling all served in evaluator positions.  Kudos to Robert for serving as the Grammarian/Timer for the first time.

A special congratulations to member Joe Stacks who was married last week!  We missed you and were thinking of you.  Your fellow Toastmasters, will enjoy hearing about your special day!

Please also extend a special welcome to our visitor (and future Toastmaster), Divya Bhagat

6.27.14 Fast-forward. . . .As a reminder, in addition to our standard format, we will have an Officer’s Induction Ceremony during this week’s meeting.  We look forward to celebrating those that are completing their year of service and those who are just beginning.  Please contact Esther  to confirm your availability, if you haven’t already.  Please also advise your speech project numbers and titles.   In addition, there will be a brief huddle after the meeting for our new officers.  Thank you all for your willingness to serve as an officer!