Sunrise Toastmasters 8-8-2014 Rewind & Fast-Forward 8-15-2014

Hello Sunrise Toastmasters members,
Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Aug 8, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital, meeting room 0043 and started at 7:00 a.m.
We had a total of 10 members present at our meeting.

President and toastmaster Angela Ligon gave a ‘happy’ welcome to all present and everyone got a chance to introduce themselves and state why they were happy, getting some funny and interesting answers. The agenda was updated to reflect that Tim volunteered to give the second speech of the day and Steve volunteered to evaluate the second speech.

Darmaine’s speech “If” was from the Interpretive Reading Advance manual, speech # 2. He used vocal variety to read the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling to give us a sense of what advice he would like to give his son in the future based on his experiences of the past.
Tim’s pocket speech was ‘Get information from doctors and not advertisers’. He gave some eye opening information of how online advertisers e.g. Ratemd use the ‘bait and switch’ approach to sell us things we don’t necessarily go looking for when we are ill and vulnerable. He gave us advice on why we should not use such websites and get information directly from the doctor and hospital.

Summer used the poem “Desiderata” by Max Ehermann written in 1920’s, to set up table topics. The questions were based the meaning of the poem “things that are necessary” and Max’s opinion of what is necessary to be happy in day to day lives”.

Dramaine shared with us a great resource from Ted Talks “How to speak so that people want to listen” from Julian Treasure. If you are interested in improving your vocal variety its a great talk to listen to.

Thanks to Steve and Ying for serving as evaluators and Dave for being General evaluator.Thanks to Esther for serving as Timer/Grammarian.

Below is the summary of our upcoming meeting on Friday Aug 15, 2014. Please contact Toastmaster Phil Stringer if you are on the agenda.

Toastmaster               Phil Stringer

Speaker 1                  Esther Khoury

Speaker 2                  Joe Stack

Table Topics               Dave Burr

Gen. Evaluator           Robert Hickling

Speaker Evaluator     Dramaine Freeman

Speaker Evaluator     Griselda Flores

Grammarian/Timer     Divya Bhagat

Respectfully Submitted by

Joe Stack