Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Aug 22, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital, meeting room 0043 and started at 7:00 a.m.
We had a total of 13 members and one guest present at our meeting.
President Angela Ligon had everyone introduce themselves and talk about one thing that would describe their week. She then turned over the meeting to Toastmaster for the day Robert Hickling. Robert’s word of the day was “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerodid (ALS) also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”. He talked about the ice bucket challenge and shared with us a clip from the local new channel about a colleague who worked at Cone Hospital and has this disease.
Steve Stephens gave our first speech of the morning titled “The Dash ” from competent communication manual (project #10 Inspire your audience). Steve read the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. He used the poem to give an inspiring speech about his dad’s life and legacy.
Thanks to Alvin and Phil for serving as evaluator and to Dave for being general evaluator. Thanks to Angela for serving as Timer/Grammarian.
Toastmaster Joe
Speaker 1 Summer
Speaker 2 Mike
Table Topics Divya
Gen.Evaluator Phil
Speaker Evaluator Esther
Speaker Evaluator Angela
Respectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack