Below is a quick rewind of our meeting held on Friday Oct, 10, 2014. The meeting was held at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in meeting room
NT102A and we started at 7:00 a.m.
We had a total of 9 members present at our meeting.
President Angela Ligon opened the meeting and then turned over the meeting to Toastmaster for the day Tim Murphy. Tim’s word of the day was “Win”. His theme for the meeting was using each speaking opportunity we get at Toastmasters to refine the art of public speaking similar to grabbing the brass ring when riding a carousel.
Robert Hickling lead us in table topics. He distributed pieces of paper and we were instructed to write down what we though the best job in the world was. He placed the papers in a hat and called on people to describe the job.
Toastmaster Phil Stringer
Speaker 1 Divya Bhagat
Speaker 2 Steve Stephens
Table Topics Dave Burr
Gen.Evaluator Alvin Powell
Speaker Evaluator Angela Ligon
Speaker Evaluator Brett Williams
Grammarian/Timer Robert Hickling
Respectfully Submitted by
Joe Stack