Our meeting started with congratulations to Dave Burr for winning the area Humorous Speech competition Saturday, and moving on to the Division Contest on Nov. 7th. Mark you calendar to join the online contest and show our club support. We were also honored to have Scott Adams, our Area Director, attend our meeting today to provide a club review.

Bettina was our Toastmaster today and chose renaissance as our word-of-the-day. Interestingly, Bettina asked us to consider the world post-Covid-19 as a rebirth, a renaissance of sorts, for ours lives; in cooking, self-care regimens, learning, etc. which she gave examples of sprinkled through out the meeting. Our first speaker, Savannah, gave her modified presentation of The Inmates Are Running The Asylum and provided these two TED talks for us to view for further background and information about her topic of neuro-divergence: 1) I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia by Cecilia McGough and 2) Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story by Jessica McCabe. Both are very powerful, as was Savannah’s speech. Our second speaker, Karen, gave her speech I’m On Deadline! which gave us a glimpse into the world and challenges of being a magazine editor. Dave was our Table Topics Master today, and he asked members to share what songs are their jams for different activities, from road trips to house cleaning. Several members participated, including Scott Adams, our visiting Area Director. Norris led the evaluations portion of the meeting, with two of our newest members, Amelya and Wendi, serving as a speech evaluator and timer respectively for the first time today. We wrapped up with a reminder from our Toastmaster to look for the renaissance opportunities in today’s COVID-19 world. Check the Member Page for next week’s meeting roles. See everyone next week!