Fast Forward/Rewind 10/30/20

Today’s meeting was scary, fun, educational, and inspiring. We welcomed Phil Brady from the Wilmington Toastmasters club as our guest. All guests are always welcome to join us in our meetings to see what Sunrise Toastmasters is all about, and what it would be like to be a member.

As Toastmaster, Dave chose goblin as the word-of-the-day, and also as the informational theme of the meeting by sharing interesting folklore and tales of goblins throughout the meeting. Norris spoke from the Dynamic Leadership pathway focusing on Toastmaster mentoring. His speech titled, My Time as a Protege, clearly defined how Toastmasters envisions mentoring. Our second speaker, Summer, spoke from the Visionary Communication pathway with a focus on evaluation and feedback. Her speech titled, Democracy Goblins, discussed the Constitutional right of every US citizen to elect their president, how those constitutional rights are being jeopardized, and what can be done about it. My bland description lays waste to the creativity, humor, empowerment, and intellect that was expressed in her amazing presentation. Summer also provided these links to further information about the upcoming election in 4 days away.
NC Board of Elections:
NC Voter Information:
Tracking NC Absentee Ballots:
Illegal Militia Information:

Savannah lead table topics with the exploration of the “fear” theme of halloween, by providing creative questions about fears we’ve overcome, didn’t recognize, as well as our perception of fear itself. The evaluations team was lead by Tim, with evaluators Karen and Bettina, grammarian Amelya, and timer Kelsey. Roles for our next meeting on Friday 11/6/22 can be found on our website speaker schedule page.

See you all next week!