The Sunrise Toastmaster meeting opened with its always important moment of silence, followed by the Toastmaster, seasoned Dave Burr, drawing us in to his word of the day, replacement. The morning progressed into the speakers section with speakers Marlit Hayslett and Savannah Murphy. Marlit shared her experiences as a Peace Corps worker in Slovakia, noting she became more aware of her place and privilege and gained perspective on teaching while learning. In a speech titled, Earth, Fire, Water, Savannah Murphy, led the group through a topic on what various types of burials and cremations entail. From green burials to water cremation, Savannah gave the group lots to consider when thinking about afterlife options. The Table Topics portion, hosted by Anu Parvathaneni, focused on replacing ones pessimism with optimism. Participants spoke on gratitude, using social media as a way to promote positivity, and being a good teacher while parenting. Amelya Black led the evaluation team as the general evaluator. Joining Amelya were speaker evaluators Dustin Johnson and Karen Rhodes, Timer Tim Murphy, and Grammarian Kelsey Long. Please join the next meeting at Sunrise Toastmasters via Zoom on March 26, 2021. Guests are encouraged and welcomed!