Fast Forward/Rewind – 5/25/2018 Meeting

If you missed this morning’s meeting, sorry but you missed a perfect meeting (at least according to our general evaluator, Tim). Dave did a masterful job emceeing the meeting, managing to orchestrate each section of the meeting down to the minute. He challenged us to throw our preconceived notions “out the window” and offered up “defenestration” as the word of the day…

Brian was our first speaker, using as a mystery bag as show-and-tell prop for his speech entitled “My Professional Toolkit.” We had a lot of fun (guys) with Karen talking about fungi, as she educated us on the nutritional value of mushrooms, the importance of vitamin D and the mystical powers of UV light. Steve led the group on an enjoyable random tour through Table Topics. And our evaluators were outstanding with two-thirds of the Murphy Family (Tim and Summer) making up two-thirds of the team and David G. rounding it.  Thanks to Phil for serving as timer and grammarian and keeping (nearly) everyone on time.

For June 1, our roles are as follows:

Toastmaster Mike
Speaker 1 Dave
Speaker 2 David G
Table Topics Phil
Gen Evaluator Savannah
Speaker Eval 1 Steve
Speaker Eval 2 Norris
Timer/Grammarian Karen

Please let the group know if you have a role and won’t be able to attend. Have a great weekend and see you next Friday!