Fast Forward/Rewind for August 23rd

Fast Forward/Rewind for August 23rd

Another great meeting in the books.  Dave was our Toastmaster.  Our Word of the Day was “Thunder” which was inspired by all the storms we’ve had this week and the unexpected pleasure of having a tree down in his back yard.  He shared some information on superstitions or sayings related to predicting the weather. Alvin was our Speaker and practiced a speech he will be giving to the Cone Health medical staff on providing culturally competent care.  Anu led us in Table Topics with questions about our vacation experiences.  Savannah was our General Evaluator, David was our Speaker Evaluator, and Karen was Timer/Grammarian.  We had two guests, Tracy Powell and Matt Taylor.

Roles for next week are as follows:

Room: North Tower 102
Toastmaster: Anu
Speaker: Mike(Icebreaker!)
Table Topics: Dave
General Evaluator: Karen
Speaker Evaluator: Norris

Timer/Grammarian: David

If you are unable to fill your role, please let Anu know.

And if you can fill your role, please go to to confirm.