Fast Forward/Rewind for March 6th, 2020
Hi Everyone! We had a fantastic meeting this morning with 9 in attendance. David was our Toastmaster giving us ‘Engage’ as Word of the Day. Several of us managed to use it today. Jennifer stepped out of her comfort zone and gave us her Ice Breaker speech titled ‘Game Changer’. She shared with us how she overcame being ‘labeled’ early in life and that now she is a successful business woman. It is interesting how things come full circle because a little over two years ago I gave my Ice Breaker speech and today I evaluated Jennifer giving hers! Dave was our second speaker giving us a pocket speech about the horrible situation he and his wife Rosie are going through. I will let Dave share with you all how the situation is progressing but my take away is that Dave is using the old adage you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar! Karen was Dave’s evaluator. Angela led us in, as usual, thought provoking Table Topics with some questions and thoughts from James Lipton and ‘Leaders Eat Last’ a book by Simon Sinek. Mike was our Meeting Evaluator and Bettina was Timer/Grammarian.
Roles for Next Week: 03/13/2020
Toastmaster: Norris
Speakers: (1) Mike (2) Open
Table Topics: Bettina
Gen. Evaluator: Dave
Speakers Evaluators: (1) Angela (2) Karen
Timer/Grammarian: Jennifer
If someone would like to be second speaker please let me know.
If something happens that you cannot fill your role let me know ASAP.
Thank you and we will see you Friday!