Fast Forward/Rewind for November 8, 2019
We had a great meeting. Angela was our Toastmaster giving us Purpose as Word of the Day. Norris was our first speaker with a speech titled Are You Prepared? His speech was about dealing with what happens when a loved one has to have skilled nursing after a stroke. Matt pinched hit with a great pocket speech about George C Marshall. Karen led us with Table Topics from our box of topics, very interesting! Mike was General Evaluator with Anu evaluating me and Angela pulling double duty evaluating Matt. Anita was our Timer/Grammarian. Mike Dye returned to visit us again. See you all Friday!
Next Week’s Roles 11/15/19 Room NT102
Toastmaster: Dave
Speakers: (1) Matt (2) Alvin
Table Topics: Matt
General Evaluator: David
Evaluators: (1) Savannah (2) Norris
Timer/Grammarian: Mike W
Please confirm your roles with Dave. Thanks