Fast Forward/Rewind – July 28, 2023

President-elect Summer Murphy opened the meeting with insights about equity and equality, leading us deliberately to our minute of silence in acknowledgement and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Summer cleared any doubt on the bias flag, encouraging us to use it to support our journey of becoming better speakers, and transitioned the meeting to Toastmaster Karen Rhodes. Karen chose dog whistle as the word of the day and shared how it is used to communicate a language that is often understood by a particular group but not by others.

Toastmaster Abdulrahman Albazie introduced the first speaker, Toastmaster Savannah Murphy. Savannah shared a speech titled ‘Growing Opportunities’, sharing childhood stories and thoughts on weaknesses that can be addressed with effort while others cannot be changed. “Not every weakness is an opportunity for growth,” Savannah said. Abdulrahman shared thorough feedback and highlighted areas for improvement. Amazing!

Summer introduced our second speaker, Toastmaster Tim Murphy. Tim’s speech is titled ‘A Social Page and Gained Experience,’ sharing how he found social media presence and how addictive it can be. Summer commended the speaker for the powerful story and how inclusive it was, and she pointed out areas for improvement. Excellent job, Toastmasters!

Table Topic Master, Toastmaster Stiles Burr, led an engaging questions and answers session, asking participants impromptu questions to develop their ability to organize their thoughts quickly and spontaneously. Great effort, Stiles!

Toastmaster Greg Sutton served as General Evaluator, highlighted the key points, summarized the breakfast of champions portion of the meeting with thoughtful insights, and led the team in sharing feedback and reports. Toastmaster Renuka Korlipara provided the Timer report. Toastmaster Angela Marsh shared the Grammarian report, spotting the use of filler words, the word of the day, and noting the outstanding quotes and thoughts. Excellent team!

Karen reviewed roles for next week and made sure all roles were filled, and the meeting was transitioned to our president to close the meeting.

The next Sunrise Toastmasters meeting will be at 7 a.m. on August 4, EST. If you would like to join our meeting as a guest, contact us for the Zoom link.

The roles for the next meeting are as follows:

Toastmaster: Savannah
Speaker 1: Abdulrahman
Speaker 2: Amelya
Table Topics: Anu
Gen. Evaluator: Tim
Evaluator 1: Dave
Evaluator 2: Angela
Timer: Norris
Grammarian:  Greg