Fast Forward/Rewind – June 15

We had a great meeting today, as always! Karen was our Toastmaster and introduced a theme of curiosity, adventure, exploration and questioning, with “unknown” as the Word of the Day – inspired by the life and work of Anthony Bourdain and one of his shows, “Parts Unknown.”

Norris was our first speaker and encouraged us to examine whether we respond or react to our emotions, explaining a bit about how we express and communicate them. Phil was our second speaker and regaled us with a tale of trickery and greed, set in a village and pawn shop in China.

Dave led us in our Table Topics, which centered around how we’d explain concepts such as time, fire, energy and color to an 11-year-old. We then moved on to the evaluation portion of the meeting, and the evaluation team of Savannah, David and Angela talked us through our strengths and growth areas, both known and unknown.

Angela also informed the group that we will soon be moving to a new room. Stay tuned for further news on that and upcoming elections.

Next week’s roles are as follows:

Toastmaster: Steve
Speaker 1: Phil
Speaker 2: Dave
Table Topics: Mike
Gen Evaluator: Brian
Speaker Eval 1: Savannah
Speaker Eval 2: Sheila
Timer/Grammarian: Karen