Fast Forward/Rewind – Oct. 26 meeting

A solid meeting led by substitute Toastmaster, Steve. His theme, appropriately, was Halloween, and the Word of the Day was cornucopia. Savannah did her Icebreaker speech from the Pathways program, and for our second speech, the group discussed their favorite Halloween costumes. Anu led a very challenging Table Topics with random questions, and we wrapped up the meeting with evaluations. We had a visitor as well, Tanicia.

The roles for next week are below. Alvin and Dave have confirmed their attendance. Please get back to Angela, the Toastmaster, to confirm that you can attend.

Also, be aware that TLI will be in December. And the upcoming speaker schedule will be forwarded to Karen for posting on the website.

The roles for 11/2 are:

Toastmaster Angela
Speaker 1 Alvin
Speaker 2 Brian
Table Topics Norris
Gen Evaluator Karen
Speaker Eval 1 Dave
Speaker Eval 2 David
Timer/Grammarian Mike